Sample of A Skripsi or Thesis (2B)
Written by Ari Julianto
A. Location of the Research
This research was carried out at the first class students of ..........This school was chosen as the place of this study because the same research has never been conducted at this school.
B. Population and Sample
It is impossible to do the research without an object. From the object the researcher gets the data which have the relationship with the research problem. The object in these researched would be taking from the population and sample.
Population as Warsito (1992: 49) explains that it is a group of elements which assumed as objects of a research, and the elements are analysis unity. Population is generalizing region consisted of the object and subject having certain characteristic and quality specified by researcher to be learned and then pulled by conclusion and Kartono (1986: 24) says “Sample is the representation of one population”. Sample is the part of amount and characteristic owned by the population.
The population and sample of this research was the first class students of ..........The school had only one class for first class that consisted of 50 students. So, the total number of the population was 50 students. Arikunto (2002: 112) suggests “The total number of students were more than 100, so 10-15% and 20-225% or more can be taken as the sample.” In this case, the researcher took all the students as the sample. The sample was divided into two groups that is experimental group and control group. The sample was taken randomly.
The technique to obtain the sample in this research was based on the names of the students' attendance list. The odd numbers were taken from number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so on for experimental group and the even numbers from number 2, 4, 6, 6, 10 and so on for control group. So, the researcher had 25 students as the experimental group and 25 students as the control group. The population and the sample of the research are shown as follows
Table 1.3 Population of the Research
Table 2.3 Sample of the Research
C. Research Design
Arikunto (2002:2) explains that research is an action conducted by someone who works on what is he is doing without changing the system of the performance. This research used a descriptive quantitative method. It means that a scientific approach that most of it used numbers for presenting the data, and the result of the research. The technique of this research was an experimental research. The samples were divided into two groups, 25 students for experimental group and 25 students for control group. Each group was given a treatment, pre-test and post-test.
The experimental group was taught by using Hidden Pictures Game meanwhile the control group was taught by using traditional method in vocabulary or LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa). The pre-test and post-test also were given to both groups. Both groups were given the same text that consisted of 40 test items in which 10 numbers for filling the blank, 10 numbers for arranging the words, and 20 numbers for identifying.
D. Technique for Collecting the Data
For collecting the data of the research, the researcher developed a teacher-made test that relates to the vocabulary skill based on LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa). The text consisted of 40 test items in which the students had to answer them in 30 minutes. The test was a teacher made-test in which where there were 40 numbers that consisted of 10 numbers for filling the blank, 10 numbers for arranging the words, and 20 numbers for identifying the things based on the pictures. Each number was scored 2.5 (100 : 40 = 2.5).
E. Technique of the Data Analysis
The technique of this research was performed by the following step:
1. Dividing the class into experimental group and control group,
2. Giving the Pre-Test to obtain the score of Pre-Test for experimental and control group,
3. Teaching vocabulary by using the Hidden Pictures Game in experimental group,
4. Teaching vocabulary by using traditional test or LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa) in control group,
5. Giving the Post-Test to obtain the score of Post-Test to collect the data for experimental and control group,
6. Calculating the score of Pre-Test and Post-Test between experimental and control groups,
7. Measuring the standard deviation of variable X and Y by using Sudijono’s formula (1999: 298).
8. Finding out the deviation of control group by using the formula:
9. Testing the hypothesis by applying t-test as Arikunto (2002: 278) suggested:
10. Finding out the degree of freedom (df) = df = N1 + N2 –2 and finally consulting the t value table to obtain the hypothesis result.
11. Finding out the validity of the test by using the formula of Arikunto (1993: 157) who recommended that the value of validity is as follows
F. Testing Hypothesis
In this research the statistical hypothesis was used to decide whether the hypothesis will be accepted or rejected the statistical hypothesis formula:
X = Y = Ho, X < Y = Ho , or X > Y = Ha
Ho: there is no significance effect of teaching Hidden Picture Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary (the hypothesis will be rejected)
Ha: there is a significance effect of teaching Hidden Picture Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary (the hypothesis will be accepted).
A. Data Collection
After conducting the Pre-Test and Post-Test between the experimental and control group that each consisted of 25 students for each group, the researcher collected the data from the students’ answers. The data gathered were classified into pre-test for students’ achievements in vocabulary by using traditional test or Lembar Kerja Siswa that consisted of 40 number test items and another test for post-test by using Hidden Picture Game. Each number was scored 2.5 (100 : 40 = 2.5). For example, when a student got a raw score 27, it was calculated 27 : 40 x 100 = 67.5. The students’ achievement in Pre-Test for experimental and control group can be reported as follows
Table 1.4 The Students’ Score in Pre-Test (Experimental Group)
Table 2.4 The Students’ Score in Pre-Test (Control Group)
After being given the Hidden Picture Game for experimental group, the same text as the pre-test was given to the students to find out the result of the post-test. The scores of the post test for either for experimental group or control group can be reported as the following tables.
Table 3.4 The Students’ Score in Post-Test (Experimental Group) Table 4.4 The Students’ Score in Post-Test (Control Group)
B. Data Analysis
From all the data of the pre-test and post test of the experimental group and control group obtained, then the researcher analyzed the data to find out the differences of the sample’s scores between pre and post test in the experimental group.
1. The Effect of the Hidden Picture Game in Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary
The next step in this research is finding out the effect of the Hidden Picture Game in increasing the students’ vocabulary. The students’ achievement in vocabulary either in experimental or control group can be shown in the pre-test and post-test as follows:
Table 5.4 The Students’ Scores in Pre-test and Post-Test (Experimental Group)
From the above table, we found that the students’ score for pre and post-test of the experimental group is as follows: SX1 = 1592.5, SX2 = 1647.5 and SX1 = 55.
Table 6.4 The Students’ Scores in Pre-test and Post-Test (Control Group)
From the above table, we found that the students’ score for pre and post-test of the control group is as follows: SY1 = 1582.5, SY2 = 1617.5 and SY1 = 35.
Table 7.4 The Calculation to Find the “to’
The next step is finding out the value of t observe (to) by using the following formula as suggested by Arikunto (2002: 278).
Then the next step is finding out the interpretation towards to by calculating first the calculation of df (degree of freedom) in which we could obtain as follows:
df = N1 + N2 -2 = 25 + 25 – 2 = 48
By having the df 48 and consult the t value table (tt), on significant level 5% or a = 0.378 > 0.288. It means that to is higher than tt. By having and comparing the number of t that obtained in the computation (to = 0.378) and the number of the t value on the t value table (tt.ts 5% = 0.288) so we could know that to is higher than tt that is:
0.378 > 0.288 = to > tt
The findings are to is bigger than tt, so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected which means that there is a significant effect of using Hidden Picture Game towards the students’ vocabulary. Based on the findings of the pre and post test, absolutely it can be concluded that the use of Hidden Picture Game can increase the students’ vocabulary.
2. The Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary Taught by Using Hidden Picture GameIn order to obtain the students’ achievement in vocabulary taught by using Hidden Picture Game, the data was compared from the pre-test and the post test of the experimental group. The pre-test was given before using Hidden Picture Game and the post-test was given after using Hidden Picture Game. The comparison can be presented as follows
Table 8.4 The Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary Taught by Using Hidden Picture Game from Experimental Group
From the table above, it can be concluded that SX1=1592.5 and SX2= 1647.5, so (SX2- SX1) 1647.5 - 1592.5 = 55. It means there was an increment in the students’ achievement by 55 points.
3. Validity of the Test
In arranging and analyzing the material of the test, the bases are from all general and specific objectives and all the books that are related to English for Senior High School. The material arranged in such way so that the test would be respected enough to analyze the students' ability to elaborate blending and clipping words. It is expected that the result of the students test would be similar to what is expected from the curriculum. Moreover, the test is valid because it measured what it is supposed to measure.
Here valid is the material or the contents of the test which had been managed as to be possible to measure all what he had already intended through his general and specific objectives and also the test was representative enough to measure the progress of the students for what they had studied before.
To obtain the validity of the test, the students’ raw score of the post test from experimental group will be calculated as follows
Table 9.4 Students’ Raw Score for Validity of the Post Test from Experimental Group
Table 10.4 The Calculation of the Validity of the Test
Harris (1977: 18) says that validity is an analysis that accords with the views of recognized authorities in the skills area and the test then reflects such an analysis. If a test is designed to measure mastery of a specific skill or content of a particular course of study, we should expect the test to be based on a careful analysis of the skill or an outline of the course. Sudijono (1999: 204) who recommended that the value of validity is as follows:
According to Arikunto's correlation formula (1993: 230) who recommended that the value of validity is as follows:
0.00 - 0.20 : had no correlation (the test is invalid)
0.21 - 0.40 : low correlation (the test is low validity)
0.41 - 0.60 : fair correlation (the test is fair to validity)
0.61 - 0.80 : high correlation (the test is high to validity)
0.81 - 1.00 : complete correlation (the test is complete to validity)
Based on the standard validity above, the result of validity of the test is 0.83. It means that the test is "high to validity".
C. The Findings
After the pre and post test were conducted, then the findings are reported as follows:
a. In Experimental group SX1 = 55 and Mx or M1 = 2.2,
b. In Control group SY1 = 35 and My or M2 = 1.4,
c. t observe (to) 0.378 > 0.288 = to > tt
d. to is bigger than tt, so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected which means that there is a significant effect of using Hidden Picture Game towards the students’ vocabulary,
e. Based on the standard validity above, the result of validity of the test is 0.83. It means that the test is "high to validity".
A. Conclusions
Based on the analysis obtained, it can be reported some conclusions as follows:
1. There is an effect of using Hidden Picture Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary, that is the final hypothesis was (to = 0.378) and the number of the t value on the t Value Table (5% = 0.288), so we found that to is higher than tt, that is: 0.378 > 0.288. It means that there is a significant effect towards the students’ achievement in vocabulary by using Hidden Picture Game,
2. The finding of the pre-test before given the Hidden Picture Game was t SX1=1592.5, and after given micro teaching technique the result was SX2= 1647.5, it means that there is a progress in students’ achievement by 55 points.
B. Suggestions
Related to the conclusion above, the researcher herewith would like to suggest as follows:
1. It is advisable that the SMU English teachers are much more intended in using the Hidden Picture Game as the alternative technique in teaching to the students for vocabulary. The teachers should no be relied on the topics that are in LKS books, because the students’ interest is in what they can express by small group or micro teaching-learning process,
2. Hidden Picture Game can be used as the alternative technique along with the other techniques, which are used in the school,
3. Hopefully, the SMU teachers should increase the students’ vocabulary as often as possibly, which depends on the schedule teaching.
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Ayo kita hitung-hitungan 110 juta nya
jual lagi5500 Skripsi x Rp.20.000/ judul = Anda mendapat Rp.110.000.000,-
kalo jualnya Rp 20.000,- perjudul, kalo sobat mo jual Rp 50.000/judul, Rp 100.000/judul, Rp 200.000/judul gak ada yang larang sob, kan lumayan bisa bayarin kuliah sendiri n Bisa buat beli kendaraan untuk ngampus juga.. ^_^
Software Penjualan & Stok Barang
Sangat cocok untuk usaha perdagangan, UKM, toko, dan koperasi karyawan, anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi dengan pembukuan usaha anda, setiap rupiah dan barang anda akan tercatat dengan jelas. Laporan lengkap, mulai dari laporan stok barang, laporan pembelian, laporan penjualan dan sebagainya. Mudah digunakan dan berbahasa indonesia, Sudah banyak dipakai di usaha-usaha perniagaan di Indonesia. Software ini full version (bukan trial), bisa anda dapatkan secara GRATIS
Software Pembukuan Toko Handphone/cellular
Software ini sangat berguna untuk anda yang punya usaha cellular. Laporan penjualan, pembelian dan stok barang. Mampu menangani penjualan handphone, pulsa dan asesoris. Mudah digunakan, berbahasa Indonesia dan laporannya bisa di transfer ke microsoft excel office. Software ini full version (bukan trial), bisa anda dapatkan dan GRATIS.
# kami juga akan berikan ebook yang sangat bermanfaat buat sobat,DIJAMIN!
OK, sekarang kita ulangi,
apa saja yang didapatkan dalam DVD ini:
5500 skripsi ini senilai Rp.110.000.000,- + Bonus Sofware Kamus Portable senilaiRp.150.000,- + Software Recovery data senilai Rp.100.000,- + Software PDF Creator senilai Rp.120.000,- + 4 Antivirus full version + 2 Software bisnis masing-masingRp.450.000 :
semua bisa anda miliki Rp.100.000,- saja
Hanya dengan tiga langkah mudah di bawah ini
Pembelian cepat melalui sms :
1. Sms ke nomor
0856-5816-8316 / 0823-6613-0680
0856-5816-8316 / 0823-6613-0680
Contoh sms :
"pesan skripsi segala jurusan, Dessy Jl. kebon duren No.18 Lampung + kodepos"
Saya akan membalas sms serta mencatat nama dan alamat anda, infokan nama dan alamat selengkap-lengkapnya
2. Lakukanlah pembayaran ke salah satu rekening saya:
Bank Mandiri
Bank BRI
3. Setelah transfer, segera infokan kembali dengan sms
Contoh sms :
"Sudah transfer An.Dessy, 100 rb, cepetan dikirim ya skripsinya"
Setelah transfer maka skripsi akan saya kirimkan ke alamat sobat, jadi tinggal nunggu kurir kiriman datang ke rumah saja. Saya menggunakan jasa pengiriman TIKI, POS, dan JNE. No resi juga akan saya kirimkan supaya sobat bisa menunggu dengan tenang dan damai, hehe..
DVD yang saya kirimkan ini sudah melalui uji test alias sudah dicoba buka beberapa kali untuk meyakinkan dvd ini memang bisa dibuka sehingga sobat pemesan tidak akan merasa dirugikan jikalau ternyata DVD nya rusak atau eror. Begitupun kalo rusak atau eror maka dvd ganti akan saya kirimkan kembali tanpa biaya tambahan.
"Kepuasan sobat adalah kebahagiaan saya"
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